Monday, March 29, 2010

Spray Foam Expands Over 48 hours

I filled the north poles with spray foam (Great Stuff Big Gap Filler) and let them cure for 2 days.

The north poles fell over because the foam pushed out the bottom...which is what I wanted. Today, I used a saw and sander to make the bottoms nice and smooth.

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Here's the video of the spray foam air pocket on the bottom of one of the north poles.

Here's how I cut the notches for the cords at the bottom of each pole.

Lastly, here's the video of the conduit being glued to the inside of the north poles.


  1. The videos are really nice and are really helpful in our daily lives.

  2. Great videos and good designs have been exhibited. You have got a good talent.

  3. with the new design, how are you going ground? are you planning to pass the rbar through the pipe?
