Wednesday, March 31, 2010

News Crew Near Copeland Christmas

We lost a hometown soldier in Afghanastan last week. He was 24. I think it was a mine. Anyway, the funeral this afternoon took place behind our house and it was a sight to behold. White clysdales carried a glass casket cart with dozens of military personnel in the procession. Two ladder trucks hung a humongous flag between the raised ladders while the street was shut down. Horns and bagpipes were playing and the local veterans bike group was in full force and joined in the procession. Neighbors all hung flags and some even went to the public open casket viewing.
I took other great shots of the procession from my kitchen window, but I won't post them because I think it was a private funeral. Here's the Chopper 5 that circled the house all day. He needs to come back at Christmas to see the lights from up cool would that be!

By the way, our house is "A". The funeral home is "B"

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