Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Glacier for the Christmas Display

I used leftover polystyrene to make a glacier display yesterday. I guess it will accomodate 2-3 lighted pieces...like Dept 56 or something. I haven't drilled holes for the cords because I don't know which pieces will be used. I would love to see the Dept 56 igloo factory sitting atop the seal glacier. It's been on eBay for like $80 though...I'll try to find a knock-off or maybe a cheap auction.

I think the scene would look best all white. I can spray or sprinkle glitter and snowflakes all over. I was going to fill the sea with epoxy, but I just don't think it is necessary.

The router worked nicely to make the sea appear shallower near the edges. I just kept adjusting the depth, then I used different shades of blue to color the ocean. I used the styrofoam from a shipping box for the ice sheets that have collected. I was trying to make this look like the Ross Sea.

The little ice breaker ship in the back of the scene is from eBay. I'm going to paint the name Polar Star on it because that's the name of one of the ships that is stationed where Joey is.
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