Monday, June 1, 2009

Did Some Experiements Today

The igloo (spray foam in a bowl) is coming along.

The foam has continued expanding over the past 5 hours. I put this hammer on the bowl to weigh it down. You can see all the foam oozing out the right side of the bowl.

I used sandpaper and yellow duct tape to make road ways.

I used BBQ skewers and wood glue to make a fence around a village house platform. For the cost ($0), I think this is a cute addition.

The telephone poles need some tweaking. I would like to figure out an easy and cheap design to have them stand up. I could pole them into the styrofoam base, but I don't always use a base. I thought about using washers, bar coasters, and posicle sticks...if you have any ideas, lemme know! The chopsticks are a must...good price (got a collection from grocery store sushi lunches) and right size.

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