Saturday, May 16, 2009

Progress on Antarctica Scene

John wasn't happy about me using the electric knife (wedding gift). I didn't birn it out though. It took me forever to do this carving with the electric knife. I got smart and went to the craft store to get the hot wire knife and it works awesome! It's like an ice pick that heats up to 400 degrees...literally.

So, Mt. Erebus is coming along. I used all the scrap pieces of polystyrene foam to make little mountain ledges for the village scenes. I carved little stone and gravel stairs into the sides...I'm LOVING this hot wire knife!

So, in other news, I was web surfing and ran across some themed cakes that were thousands of dollars. They were beautiful! One was Fraggle Rock and the other was Where the Wild Things Are. I think I'll make a small themed tree of WTWTA. Don't know what to do about Fraggle Rock yet.

copyright 2009 danielle idea!
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