Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Gator Christmas Tree is Done

Here's a cute photo of our beloved Gator tree. We are possily headed to the Nat'l Championship game AGAIN this year!

Last year, I used a 3 ft green tree for these ornaments. This year, I got a 4 ft blue tree, but orange and white lights on it, then decorated it as I did last year. I also have those gator football light strands that I put on it. The tree skirt is new this year. I made it back in October from Walmart felt. The mini statium and a few other accessories are from John's office.

Overall, it's a cute little corner in our living room. We like it.
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  1. You had me until I saw the Gator Tree! Good luck on the NC game, it pains me to say I am pulling for them! Go Vols!

  2. Hi Jeff. Good to hear from you! Our Dolphins won yesterday too...wow has Florida stepped it up this year. Yeah.
