Saturday, November 10, 2007

Slowly but surely

John got the icicle lights up in 5 hours by himself. I helped untangle and test the strands :)

200 bulbs per strand x 17 strands = 3,400 icicles bulbs
.51 amps per strand x 17 strands = 8.67 total amps
Half of the icicles will go on controller 1, channel 16.
The other half will go on controller 3, channel 8.

We estimated that we'd use 20 strands and we actually used 17...I'd MUCH rather over-estimate than under-estimate!!!

The Stuart Air Show was today, so we took a break from hanging icicle lights to watch an F-16 Fighting Falcon do a 15-minute routine. It was pretty cool and we plan on going to the airport tomorrow so we can see him perform (again) up close.
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